Exercise 9:

Regular description for σ(L)\sigma(L) where L={w{a,b}x,y:(w=xay    y=2)}L=\{ w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid \exists x,y: (w=xay\;\wedge\;|y|=2) \}
and σ\sigma is the morphism defined by σ(a)=aba\sigma(a)=aba and σ(b)=bab\sigma(b)=bab
Give a regular description for the image of the set of words over {a,b}\{a,b\}, with an aa in the third position starting from the end, through the morphism σ\sigma defined by σ(a)=aba\sigma(a)=aba and σ(b)=bab\sigma(b)=bab
Authors: Guillem Godoy / Documentation:
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