Exercise 31:

choose{\{CLIQUE,DS,VC,3C,UHC,SAT}\} \leq Separating Troublesome People
Consider the following problem: Prove to John Doe that he is facing an NP-hard problem with a reduction from one of the following problems:
  1. CLIQUE: given a natural kk and an undirected graph GG, is there a subset SS of nodes with size at least kk such that any two distinct nodes of SS are connected by an edge in GG?
  2. DOMINATING SET: given a natural kk and an undirected graph GG, is there a subset SS of size at most kk of nodes that dominates GG? In other words, is there a subset SS of nodes with size at most kk such that any node of GG is either in SS or adjacent to a node in SS?
  3. VERTEX COVER: given a natural kk and an undirected graph GG, is there a cover for GG of size at most kk? In other words, is there a subset SS of nodes with size at most kk such that each edge of GG involves a node from SS?
  4. 3-COLORABILITY: given an undirected graph GG, is GG 33-colorable? In other words, is there a mapping MM from the nodes of GG to {1,2,3}\{1,2,3\} satisfying M(u)M(v)M(u)\neq M(v) for each edge {u,v}\{u,v\} of GG?
  5. UNDIRECTED HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT: given an undirected graph GG, is there a cycle that visits each node of GG exactly once? In other words, is it possible to order the nodes of GG such that there is an edge between each 22 contiguous nodes and an edge between the last and the first nodes?
  6. SAT: given a boolean formula FF in conjunctive normal form, is FF satisfiable?
The input and output of the reduction conform to the following data types, where for each field of the input it is shown in parentheses the starting problems where such field is present:
Authors: Carles Creus / Documentation:
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