Reduce the
SAT problem to the
These problems are defined as follows:
- SAT: given a boolean formula F in conjunctive normal form, is F
More formally, this problem can be defined as the following set:
{F=C1∧…∧Cn∣F satisfiable}
- SET SPLITTING: given a collection of finite sets S1,…,Sn, is
there a partition of S1∪…∪Sn into two sets A and B such
that no Si is entirely contained in A or in B?
More formally, this problem can be defined as the following set:
{⟨S1,…,Sn⟩∣S1,…,Sn finite sets∧∃A,B:(A∪B=(S1∪…∪Sn)∧A∩B=∅∧∀i∈{1,…,n}:(Si∩A=∅∧Si∩B=∅))}
The input and output of the reduction conform to the following data types: