Solve the following exercise by means of a reduction to
- A DNA strand is a sequence of amino acids, each of which can be
Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), or Thymine (T). Given two DNA
strands, we have to insert gaps in the shortest sequence until both
have the same length, in a way that most of the positions have the same
amino acid in both sequences. In particular, we want to see if we can
find one such alignment in which at least k of the amino acids match.
The input of the exercise and the output with the solution (when the input is
solvable) are as follows:
strand1: array of int
strand2: array of int
k: int
The DNA strands are in strand1 and strand2, the second one
being the (strictly) shortest sequence. Each position of the strands
(starting at 0) contains a number identifying an amino acid, according
to the following table:
A 0
C 1
G 2
T 3
Finally, the number k, with k≤strand2.size, is
the least number of amino acids that must match.
alignment: array of int
The output consists of an array alignment of size strand2.size
indicating, for each amino acid in the second strand, its index after adding
the gaps. For instance, if the strands were:
strand1 = ACGTACGT
strand2 = ATAT
and we added the following gaps:
strand1 = ACGTACGT
strand2' = A··TAT··
Then the output should be:
alignment = 0 3 4 5
Note: this problem can be solved in asymptotic polynomial time without reducing to SAT.