RACSODFACFGOperations: Reg, CFPDAReductions: K, WP, CFG, NP, SATANTLR: lex, synExams | log in, register, become guest |
The website has been written by Carles Creus and Guillem Godoy. Hosting, backups, as well as general maintenance and assistance during disasters are provided by RDlab.
Exercise statements are compiled from LaTeX into HTML with KaTeX, by Khan Academy; the syntax-highlighted editor for the exercises is based on CodeMirror, by Marijn Haverbeke and others; the visual editor for DFA & PDA exercises is based on FSM, by Evan Wallace; and stats are plotted with Chart.js, by Evert Timberg and others.
Most exercises have been written by Carles Creus and Guillem Godoy, with collaborations by Nil Mamano (especially on the SAT reductions and syntactic ANTLR exercises) and others.
All judges have been devised and implemented by Carles Creus and Guillem Godoy, with collaborations by Pau Fernández and Nil Mamano for the syntactic ANTLR and NP & SAT reduction judges.
For further information on the judges, see the (paywalled) papers on the techniques for judging CFGs & PDAs and for judging reductions between NP-complete problems, and the (pre-print) paper on judging syntactic ANTLR descriptions. In particular, one of the implemented techniques for judging CFGs & PDAs as well as the NP & SAT reduction judges employ the SAT solver MiniSAT, by Niklas Eén and Niklas Sörensson.
© 2012-2025 Carles Creus and Guillem Godoy